Pick Your Way, A Collective Exhibition, Lee-Bauwens gallery > 4 July 2024
Opening 25.05.2024 from 14:00 to 19:00
by : Ode Bertrand (France, 1930), Chun Kwang Young (South Korea, 1944), Cécile Davidovici (France, 1983) & David Ctiborsky (France, 1987), Margaux Derhy (France, 1985), Natalia de Mello (Belgique, 1966), Hélène de Gottal (Belgique, 1963), Vincent Gagliardi (France, 1957), Helena Hafemann (Germany, 1997), Gisoo Kim (South Korea, 1971), Erwan Maheo (France, 1968), Paola Pezzi (Italy, 1963), Hinke Schreuders (Netherlands,1969), Carole Solvay (Belgium, 1954), SungHong Min (South Korea, 1972)

The collective exhibition Pick Your Way at the Lee Bauwens gallery revolves around the central theme of thread, the uses of which the artists have explored with great plastic freedom. First of all, from a concrete point of view, the thread can be made of wool, iron, hair, plastic, rachis, cotton or linen. But the main thing is that all the pieces raise the question of thickness within the framework of a three-dimensional vision. Organic or geometric, all the works trace a path into the depth of things, each time in a unique way. The threads clearly establish a continuous and discontinuous reading of the space.
Victor Hugo Riego
Open Thursday to Saturday
14:00 - 18:00 or by appointment
36 rue du charme
1190 Brussels, Belgium